We’ve been living in our 38-foot Alfa SeeYa for four years now. At first we put several miles on it because we needed to be in different parts of the country. We seemed to have settled back near family in Missouri.
We’ve enjoyed ourselves and have worked hard building a business. Our business is designed to work from anywhere, yet we got into a routine in staying put. Sure, we’d do some weekend driving and some day-trip sightseeing, but mostly our schedule was full of work appointments. Between Robert having gigs to play practically every weekend and our client and networking events during the week, we were soon headed for burn-out.
Routine is good, it helps to achieve your goals. But when routine gets you stuck in a rut, it’s time to shake things up and try something new.
Robert and I have designed our business to work from anywhere as long as we have internet and a phone. We don’t need a specific office. We don’t need anything fancy. We do need ways to keep us creative and motivated.
Robert and I have been talking about hitting the road, but we dreaded taking the 38-foot beast. We want to go to places where the beast can’t go. We want to simplify and get away. Robert had been looking at roof-top tents for months. Then we decided, we were going for it and downsizing for our next trip.

A few weeks ago, our new penthouse suite arrived. We promptly installed in onto our Subaru Outback and set our sights to work in TN and the Smokey Mountains for the month of October.
I admit, I’m a bit nervous shaking up my routine a bit, but it is the challenge I’m looking forward to. We want to make sure we can re-think the way we work and continue to serve our clients and build our business to fit the traveling lifestyle we love.

Here goes nothing…Tennessee here we come!