Showing: 31 - 40 of 53 RESULTS
Full-time RVing Tips

Sealing things up

I was checking out the awnings today and found the sealant over the doorway awning was cracked and in need of replacement.  I got my handy razor blade tool out and began the job of removing all the cracked sealant.  Once removed, I found that there were a ton of leaves wedged in there.  It …

Day Trips Full-time RVing

Dinosaur Ridge

We’ve driven by it several times, but today was the day we decided to see what Dinosaur Ridge was all about.  Since it is only a couple of miles from Dakota Ridge RV Park, we decided to bike it.  Oh my goodness, you find out quickly just how out of shape you are while pedaling …

Around Home Full-time RVing Tips


When we bought the RV it had an extra set of brake lights/turn signals installed.  They are a great addition as our tow vehicle blocks the regular tail lights and signals. On our maiden voyage in June one of the lenses fell off.  It was just the amber lens that was against the RV.  With …