Very peaceful night down by the river in a van! Only 57° overnight for the low with the windows open.
Gayla made us some coffee and we discussed what we were going to do with the day.
Tomorrow starts our work week and this place is beautiful and we have decent Starlink internet connection so the decision is tough.
We decided to go explore around some more and left camp at 9:55 AM.
We went south on forest road 124 to forest road 119 and went east.
It got steep and curvy for a few miles. Almost a shelf road. We did meet a few vehicles coming down it, the road was wide enough in some parts to pass by.
Followed forest road 119 all the way to the end at Ashley National Forest boundary line and there it turns into tribal land for the Uinta and Ouray Indians.
I followed forest road 122 north up Dry Gulch Creek until it got too narrow and rough. I eventually found a place to turn around.
Once back on FR 119 west we found us a spot to make camp with an open view towards the High Uinta Wilderness mountains in front of us.
I whipped up some lunch on the stove and started to settle in for our work week here.
Gayla had a few things to catch up on before a phone call this evening. I was cleaning up some media files.
The weather is supposed to be mostly wet and Thursday possible frozen mix. We shall see. Thursday is a long ways away.
I did a few Timelapse videos this evening. Need to do more of these.
16.5 miles driven today
4467.3 total miles