Today also makes 130 days we’ve traveled in Clifford this year too.
Tucker didn’t sleep well last night. He was kinda restless. From 2:30 AM to 6:30 AM he slept ok.
Woke up to 50° inside Clifford. It was much warmer than the last few nights. Gayla did say that when she went outside last night it was eerily quiet out.
Gayla made coffee and we were heading towards Vernal, Utah for some supplies.
After resupplying we stopped off a the Vernal City Park and cooked some lunch and let the dogs out to stretch their legs.
After fueling up (Clifford got 10.02 mpg’s) we headed back up to Ashley National Forest.
He did good on temperature and pyrometer temperatures too. Hit 223° briefly on coolant temperature and 850° on EGT’s max.
We found us a spot for camp. While I was out walking around the camp I spotted a moose. Actually two of them. They stayed there long enough for Gayla to grab the video camera.
We settled in at camp. Gayla warped up her big inkle to weave. It’s looking pretty nice too.
Evening we had a good walk with the dogs again. We even seen the same moose we seen earlier today. The walk was 1.3 miles and dogs were tired.
61.94 miles driven today
4320.14 total miles