Woke up to 41° inside Clifford. Frost on the windows for two days in a row.

Gayla made coffee and we slowly packed up.

We left camp at 8:40am. Headed out to just exploring the area.

We stopped at Sheep Creek Lake to check it out. Very picturesque.

Found us a few more campsites around for when we’re back in this area.

Made our way to Ute Mountain Lookout Tower. Historic site here. Nicely constructed too. Well worth the visit again.

Slowly making our way to Sheep Creek Geological loop. I’ve been clockwise around the loop twice in two different years. This time we went counterclockwise to see things differently.

Stopped at Palisades Picnic Park for a quick look around. Nice picnic area.

Made a quick pit stop at Sheep Creek Overlook. Beautiful overlooking the Flaming Gorge. Took the dogs with us to stretch their little legs.

Gayla wanted to stop at the Flaming Gorge Resort Convenience Store. She got herself a shirt and me some chocolate. Priorities.

Heading south on hwy 191 I pulled off on forest road 177 and took a right on FR 308 south. It was bumpy and slow going. Being a Friday it was getting busy too.

Eventually we turned around because the road got too off camber for us to travel down.

I found us a decent campsite just for tonight. No neighbors except for the bovines. Cellular service is decent for calls and texts. Starlink works great though.

We had a relaxing afternoon here at the campsite. I activated park US-4394 Ashley National Forest.

Last year on this day I activated this one as well. This time I had 31 contacts on 6 different bands.

Gayla finished a strap she’s been working on. Then she warped up a linen one on her inkle.

62.35 miles driven today

4258.2 total miles

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