Had a great night sleep. Woke up early again at 5 am. I opened the door and seen a shooting star. After stepping outside the stars were beautiful again. The temperature was perfect maybe 50°.
Gayla had an early video call so I did a little bit of research on YouTube.
I then set up my HF station outside and activated the Medicine Bow National Forest again. This is my 7th time doing this in this park!
I cooked us some brunch on the tailgate of Clifford.
Gayla did some computer work outside while I did some radio.
We walked the dogs up the hill and back. They weren’t very happy about that. They did need the exercise and we did too.
I finally called it quits on the radio after 142 total contacts and almost 5 million miles on the airwaves.
For the most part we had a relaxing afternoon outside. I felt like I got overheated so I laid inside for a bit. Feel much better now.
0 miles driven today