Woke up early to watch the sunrise. It was also foggy on the reservoir.
We packed up camp and headed to Register Cliffs at 7:30 AM.
We were the first to arrive at Register Cliffs this morning. Was neat to see the sun rise over the cliffs. Walked the dogs around with us. They enjoyed the new smells.
Next we went a bit further up the road to the Oregon Trail Ruts in Guernsey, Wyoming.
We wanted to make our way back to higher elevation for some cooler weather. It’s calling for 94° in west central Wyoming. It’s 10° cooler just a bit south of here and higher up. So back to Medicine Bow National Forest we go.
Of course we made a stop at Chugwater to partake in the Soda Fountain food again.
We had arrived just before the lunch switch over so we decided to got to the post office and drop off some mail then come back for lunch.
Burgers and a huckleberry shake again before heading to higher ground.
After a hearty meal we headed south to Cheyenne,Wyoming.
Once in Cheyenne I fueled up Clifford 9.56 mpg’s. Then we head to Vedauwoo area.
I got sidetracked with the John/Annie Woodhouse Wildlife Habitat Area on the way to Vedauwoo.
We let the dogs out at the wildlife area to stretch their legs.
Then we backtracked and went to Vedauwoo. Found us a “new to us” campsite.
We’ve been in the area last October and November of 2023 so we wanted to stay at a new to us campsite in this area for our work week.
157.84 miles driven today
5297.46 total miles