Woke up to a chilly morning 46° inside Clifford. No heater last night due to fuel leak. Hope to remedy that issue today.
I emptied the rest of the diesel heater tank so it wouldn’t leak anymore.
Gayla made coffee and we loaded up and drove to town (Laramie) to get parts to repair it.
Repaired the fuel line in the parking lot of the auto parts store.
Stopped by the car wash and cleaned up Clifford for the first time on this trip.
After cleaning Clifford we did laundry at Spic and Span Laundromat.
Gayla wanted to do something touristy so we went to the Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site. This was a self guided tour. IT was well worth the $18 for us to walk through. Did you know that this was the only prison that Butch Cassidy spent time in?
After the tour I wanted to activate the prison so I did from the parking lot. Made 19 total contacts in 35 minutes.
Gayla found a yarn store nearby so we went. Cowgirl Yarn in Laramie is a very nice store. We got the full tour. Even had local wool and bison blends.
After the yarn tour we were getting hungry so we actually ate out. Freddy’s. I think I’d rather cook out myself.
We made our way back to Medicine Bow National Forest to our same spot we had last night.
We a beautiful sunset. During that sunset I was watching the diesel making sure it didn’t have any leaks. All good so far.
41.71 miles driven today
5008.93 total miles