Went to bed early last night. Fell asleep watching Fire Country on Paramount.
Woke up to a toasty home. Gayla must have turned on the diesel heater at one point. Still had frost this morning.
Sat and had coffee and discussed where we should go for today.
Left camp around 9 AM.
Made our way to Encampment, Wyoming and stopped at their museum to see it again without the rain.
After the museum tour we stopped at the post office to drop off some mail and fueled up before leaving town. 9.674 mpg’s
Stopped up in the Snowy Mountain Range for a few panoramic pictures. Still is a magnificent drive.
Made a pit stop in Laramie,Wyoming to pick up supplies for our water intrusion above the ceiling fan.
I drove us to Medicine Bow National Forest just east of Laramie,Wyoming. We’ve been up in this area last November and previously in Fall of 2022. We knew a couple of campsites in the area.
Upon arrival to our campsite for the evening I smelled fuel. I seen it leaking from underneath the diesel heater bay. I inspected where the fuel was coming from and found it to be seeping through the fuel line coming going to the diesel heater but after the fuel filter. Luckily I had some room left in a Jerry can to put the extra fuel in so it’s not wasted. Looks like we will be finding some new fuel line in town tomorrow.
I climbed up onto the roof of Clifford and resealed the ceiling fan with some lap sealant. Hopefully no more water intrusions.
Tomorrow is a new day.
111.91 miles driven today
4967.22 total miles