Slept great last night. Got down to 50° inside Clifford by 6:30bam. Had a beautiful sunrise this morning too. We actually turned the diesel heater on this morning to take the chill off.

Gayla had a few video calls with clients and I needed to get some more media files organized and saved.

I feverishly worked on video editing all afternoon and I got it all finished. I feel very accomplished this week here.

Gayla got some website and video maintenance done for our personal brand.

Took a short walk with the dogs late afternoon. It’s been hazy most of the day here. Really hazy this morning though.

Returned to the computer to upload videos and call it done. Scheduled out till October 1st. Now to get the rest of the year completed and caught up.

Gonna call it an early night and watch a movie.

Gayla has a mid morning video conference so after that we shall ride.

0 miles driven today

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