Traveling with dogs, you want to be careful that they don’t push any buttons or mess with any knobs. When we first got our RV, I was concerned about the air brake button. It’s located just above the driver’s side arm rest and to release the brake, you push down. I was convinced that the dogs would somehow push it down if they got excited and got up there to look out the window. We set out to look for something to cover the button. We ended up getting a PVC pipe end cap. It works perfectly. Problem solved.
What we overlooked was the other buttons around that area. Most are harmless like the visor controls, so we didn’t think much of it. Just the other day, I had taken Tucker and Lucy out to the dog area at the RV park. I left Oscar in the RV for just a moment because he had just been out. The pet area is very close to our lot, so I wasn’t far from the RV nor was I gone for long. After Tucker and Lucy did their business, we all were walking toward the RV when I noticed a wisp of smoke from the front end. For a moment I paused and it dawned on me…Oscar had started the generator!
The two dogs and I quickly ran the short distance back to the RV where we found Oscar in the driver’s seat laying down calmly. What a sight.
You’d think we would learn and immediately cover the area up, but no. We thought it was just because he was left alone for a minute and he was just trying to see where we went through the window. Typically when we leave, the dogs go in the kennel, so we don’t worry about them getting into things. Just the following night, at about 3 a.m. I guess Oscar wanted to leave the bedroom and wander around. In my semi-awakened state, I hear him up near the front of the coach, then it happened again…he poked the generator button AGAIN! We’ve learned our lesson. We placed a little lap desk over the buttons so at least none of the dogs can push any buttons if they hop up and walk in that area. So far it’s only been Oscar interested in hopping up there and making his way to the dash, but now we’ve learned our lesson so if the other two become curious and hop there, they won’t cause harm.