We had made up our mind that we didn’t want to ride out the week in the rain in Clifford with hot temperatures in the low 80’s. So we packed up our bags and left Redd Hollow Camp at 7 AM this morning.
We had only 350 miles till Springfield, Missouri and a whole lot of want to get somewhere cooler and less rain.
We pulled over just barely in Missouri to let the dogs out and us out as well. Well deserved stop.
We stopped once again in Van Buren, Missouri for one last stop for fuel. Had a great chat with a local that was curious about Clifford.
We rolled into Springfield about 1:40 PM.
Did a quick mowing of the yard and went to have late lunch with the parents.
Dogs are glad to see familiar territory.
343.47 – miles driven today.
Just at a quick glance looks like 4,544 miles round trip in 67 days.
Thanks for everyone that followed along. We have some things to tend to and projects to get done before heading west in June!!!