We woke up early to a somewhat foggy morning with the creek behind us swollen a bit from the rain yesterday evening. Gayla started coffee and I started packing away Starlink and other miscellaneous things.
We left camp at 8 AM and I wanted to go to the end of the road that we were on to see the end and a trailhead. There were several low water crossings to get back to it. Once at the end we seen a car that had a flat tire and a gentleman emptying out his trunk.
I turned Clifford around and got out and asked him if he needed any assistance with his vehicle. He introduced himself, Ben. He’s got here last night and apparently came from a long way to get here, somewhere in Kentucky. Ben didn’t want any help with his vehicle and asked if we were ok. I said yes we’re good. I got back in Clifford and we headed back the way we came in from.
Josh, whom I spoke with yesterday told me about a short cut across Skullbones Road to get back to hwy 92 west. We took that route and it was a beautiful curvy hilly one lane road that went from Wolf Ridge to Skullbones Knob.
Once westbound on hwy 92 we realized that we had been on here before back on October of 2017. Still a great drive. We got on hwy 90 west and took it all the way to Glasgow, Kentucky.
Once in Glasgow we were looking for a place to do laundry but the place wasn’t big enough to fit Clifford in the parking lot with the other patrons so we found Gorin Park to let the dogs out and us out to stretch a bit.
Gayla wanted BBQ and I wouldn’t mind it either but every place was closed on a Sunday. So we found us some fuel and topped off Clifford. 12.9 mpg’s on this tank.
Gayla splurged and brought me a chocolate Long John doughnut . I haven’t had one in months.
After filling up and using up we headed to our destination at Barren River Recreation Area.
Once again upon arrival we found that it was closed to camping. We had to resort to plan B.
I didn’t want to do Plan B because it would involve driving another 150 miles more. It was still early in the day though. Noontime.
We set our sights on Land Between The Lakes for Redd’s Hollow camp. We like this one for some reason.
After driving to LBL and coming around the last corner before we turn off to the campground we seen a motorcycle on its side in the ditch. I pulled over to the people standing on the opposite side of the road and asked if they were ok. The said that his lady friend only had a few scraps and a bruise and he was ok. They were waiting on the tow truck to come and haul the bike away.
They were lucky to be walking I all I have to say.
We tuned into the road to Redd’s Hollow and found us campsite number 15. I set up the grill and heated up some grub and Gayla is doing some work on the computer.
Today was a hot and humid day. Humidity makes me grumpy. There I said it.
268.00 – miles driven today.