We were up early and made coffee and on the road by 7:57 AM this morning. It was a beautiful morning as we left Army Camp near Prince, West Virginia. Except I got stung by a wasp as I was putting Clifford into drive. I took 2 Benadryl and Gayla watched me.
Made our way to Beckley, W.V. then on to some really curvy and steep western hills on West Virginia. Beautiful drive.
By the time we got to Man, West Virginia the Benadryl kicked in full force and I was ready for a nap.
Gayla went shopping and I took a nap for about 30 minutes and I was good to go. The swelling had went down and I didn’t have any hives or hard to breathe so I think I’m gonna be just fine again without having to use the epi pen this time.
We crossed over into Kentucky around Williamson/Mingo area. By then the heat of the day was 86°F. Starting to get a bit warm in Clifford. Luckily just west of us was some spotty rain showers. It never did rain on us but the clouds did cool it down to 73°F. It made a huge difference.
We turned off in Pikeville, Kentucky and went on hwy 23 over to hwy 80 then west to county road 476. We stayed on this curvy road to Little Buckhorn Road and took a right.
After a steep and long rocky climb with Clifford in low range at 3.8 mph we arrived at our camp for the night. We are in Robinson Forest Wildlife Management Area.
There’s an elk viewing platform here, although we didn’t see any elk.
The camp consists of one fire ring and an open area to park or tent camp.
Definitely not advisable to drive a car up here. SUV or something with ground clearance is good to go.
We do have 3-4 bars of Verizon Extended LTE so we don’t have to set up Starlink to work unless we want to.
Had two other vehicles that came up and turned around. One was a forestry service guy. Have some hunters camped across the parking lot for the night.
We ended up talking to the two hunters for several hours. They weren’t expecting to see something like Clifford up here. We gave them a full tour and talked about everything. Good guys. Ralph and Dog (Steve).
200.05 – miles driven today.