Woke up to the smell of coffee. Gayla was already up and running this morning. I was dragging.

Gayla had several zoom meetings with clients and potential clients today. I tried my best to keep out of her way.

I talked with one of our neighbors camped across from us. He’s from east Virginia and is headed towards Utah eventually. Also a fellow guitar player. He’s pretty good too. I was helping him with his solar system and his battery setup. He had a bunch of questions about it. Super nice fella that is not on Facebook at all. I do have his contact though.

Had another camper ask about my 26 awg antenna on a fiberglass push-up pole. He wondered if I was talking to truckers on the interstate. I told him that this setup goes way beyond just the local interstate traffic. This is AMATEUR RADIO. It’s world wide communications. Not just limited to 40 channels either. We have a whole spectrum of different frequencies to talk on and use. I could tell by his face that I lost him. He was confused by it. Oh well. Not everyone gets it.

I cooked up some bacon and steaks for supper. I did wash it down with a bit of chocolate. Gotta have some carbs every once in a while.

I stayed up and listened to my fellow Missourians on the HF radio talking on 75m section. Some of them were booming into south central West Virginia.

It was a warm one today. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer in the mid 80’s. Good thing we ordered our air conditioner for Clifford two days ago. We’re looking forward to using it out west later this year.

0 – miles driven today.

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