Got up kinda early today. Made coffee. Gayla worked on relaxing and I did a bit of Ham Radio. I ended up with 27 contacts and pack up by 8:30 am.

We were on the road by 9:40 am to go see the Sandstone Falls visitor center and the actual falls.

Toured the visitor center and watched a video there about the local area. Bought a patch to go on our National Park quilt that was started many years ago.

Arrived at Sandstone Falls at 12:30 pm. We spoke with fellow wiener dog owner about his wiener. She was 10 years old and waddled everywhere she went. He was also curious about our wieners too. We showed him pictures and went about our way.

The falls were spectacular to see. Well worth the stop.

Then we made our way towards Grandview part of the National Park. It’s an incredible panoramic view of a gooseneck bend in the river. Again another beautiful view. Sadly I didn’t get a picture of it with my phone but I did with a real camera so the should be developed in a few days.

We made our way back to our place we wanted to stay. Army Campground is gonna be our work place for till Friday morning.

I made some pan fried chicken to top our great salad that Gayla made.

Fed the dogs and walked them around camp. We took Tucker down to the river to walk around and get the old man some exercise. Gayla found an iPhone laying by the river. She went around camp and I wasn’t anyone’s in camp.

Ended up talking to with a couple from north Virginia that is originally from Korea. They both work in special education with kids. They asked where we were from and I said “The Ozarks!” They said “I love that show!” I guess we’re behind on watching television. We still haven’t seen it yet.

Today was another busy touristy day.

113.10 – miles driven today

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