I woke up early about 5:30 am. Gayla had a rough night with Lucy again.

Lucy had just settled down and Gayla crawled back in bed. She suggested that I activate this park on ham radio today before we leave. I didn’t know if this actually was a park to be activated or not until I looked it up on the POTA website. Luckily we have Starlink to do such things.

I got up and setup my radio and tuned up my antenna to activate. I also made coffee for both of us.

Gayla stayed in bed and took a nap. She deserves it.

30 contacts later I was done and ready to pack up and go. I did have one contact to Australia at 10,000 miles away on 20 watts.

We head south towards are destination but had to stop for a pit stop to do some laundry. We haven’t done laundry in Summersville, West Virginia at Snowbird Laundry.

On the way here we went over Powell Mountain. Man it was foggy. Really foggy.

Made our way to the New River Gorge National Recreation Area. We arrived about an hour before their closing time. Looked around at the very foggy waters down below. Watched 11 minute video on the local history and talked to Dave at the front counter. Dave gave us a wealth of information about what to do and where to go for camping. All camping is free within the park and is first come first served. There are several different camping areas along the river.

With that knowledge bestowed upon us we headed towards Army Camp. It was down, and I mean down in the gorge. Some places are 10% grade or more in places. Upon our arrival we seen that there w as a few people who were already camping here. Still had a few spots open though. We set up camp and commenced to cooking some supper.

We had some sirloin with bacon and avocados with goat cheese and a side of Gouda.

We walked Lucy a bit after supper down to the river. She needed the exercise and so did I.

There’s a close to full moon out there.

I tried to activate this park but to no avail. One contact. I shall try again tomorrow morning on HF Radio.

186.29 – miles driven today

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