Another work day.

Last night it was warm enough to sleep with the windows open in Clifford.

Woke up to a foggy and wet morning.

Gayla had several zoom meetings till about 1 pm. I edited pictures from our visit at the 1850’s Homeplace in Land Between the Lakes area.

I did the dog’s nails today. They were none too excited about it either.

We took a 1.3 mile stroll after work was done. After the walk I checked the fluids on Clifford. Everything is good.

I did some leather work while Gayla did some weaving on the inkle.

Sautéed up some beef for dinner to go with our salad and goat cheese with homemade Balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil dressing with Dijon mustard. Mmmm mmm.

After supper Gayla prepped for some work for tomorrow and I did some more leather work in a bark tan bag.

I think we’re gonna make it an early night and watch a movie on the kindle!

0 miles driven today

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