Didn’t see any northern lights last night. Too cloudy.
Gayla had a few phone calls today. The Starlink was touch and go mostly. But it was enough to get the job accomplished.
I worked on clearing off more media files from our cameras. I also did some video editing and picture editing.
Since it was cloudy most of the day I deployed all solar panels to get as much as I can back into the batteries.
It came a few sprinkles just enough to keep it cool today. It did make it to 70°F but it took all day to get there.
I did some HF radio outside. Had a lot of people stop by and ask what kind of research I was doing and what is that apparatus over there. It’s just an 18 awg 32 foot long speaker that is used for transmitting and receiving signals from the sky. At least that’s what I tell them!!!
Lot of people stopped and asked about Clifford too.
Lucy had a pretty good day today.
Gayla had a late meeting tonight.
Went and watched the lake at sunset.
0 miles driven today.