We both slept in till about 7:30 AM. Lucy slept really good last night too.

We decided we wanted to stay here for the day and do some relaxing and partial work.

About 9:00 AM we had some buffaloes show up in camp. They eventually got spooked by other campers around and moved on by impressive to see them.

I spent the morning doing some HF radio running 5 watts. Made contact with Japan which was impressive. I end up having 143 contacts total for the day.

Gayla made some progress on her work she wanted to get done today.

The dogs hung outside with us most of the day till about 5:30 pm. The no seeums were terrible. Gayla has little whelps all over her. They didn’t bother me too bad. They just flew around my eyes and face enough to annoy me.

We retired to Clifford and watch the rest of the movie we started last night. Men Who Stare At Goats with George Clooney. It was different.

After the movie was finished we walked around the campground and took some pictures of the Little Missouri River. Walked the dogs and called it a night.

Tomorrow we’re going to find a laundromat and get closer to where we need to be for the work week.

0 miles driven today

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