Evidently I woke up early. Really early. We were coffee in hand and driving at 6:10 am and that included checking all the fluids and tire pressures.
Gayla had some post cards to send out in the mail so we headed to Medora, North Dakota post office.
This place was bustling and super busy with activity yesterday. Today at 6:30 AM not so much.
We parked Clifford and walked around downtown. The town only has 123 residents as of 2022.
Most places didn’t open up for business until 9 AM. It was a beautiful downtown area.
Gayla set the course for Williston, North Dakota.
Gayla’s needed a pit stop so I pulled in to Beach, North Dakota at the rest area and welcome center. I talked with a family member back in Missouri for about an hour before heading back north for Williston.
I spotted a campground and recreation area at Sather Lake. After pulling in and checking out the campground it was $10 per night with decent pit toilets and ramadas.
I made a right turn on to hwy 68. It had some road construction going on. Not a terrible wait though.
Walmart was a destination for restocking for supplies like water for our blue jugs and a couple of USB/rechargeable fans.
Yesterday we a few bolts disappear from around the bead lock ring on our front wheels. I’ve never been a fan of these on this vehicle so we stopped by Les Schwab Tire in Williston and discussed about getting them replaced.
We have an appointment with them next Wednesday morning to fix this problem.
Circle K was a fuel up before heading to Fort Buford at the confluence of the Missouri River and the Yellowstone River.
Across from Fort Buford is a cemetery and between it and the fort is free camping for about 3-4 campers.
Gayla registered at the office for our free camping spot and we settled in for our work week.
Gayla did some work prep for her upcoming week and I worked on getting all our media files in order.
We will tour the Fort and the surrounding areas this week on our off time.
169.89 miles driven
1552.00 miles total