I woke up at 5 am. It was already daylight.
Gayla did some client work for a bit.
Oscar jumped out of the side door. His landing did not stick. He seems to be unfazed by it.
We loaded up and left by 8:45 AM. Drove the 3/4 mile down to the laundromat to do laundry done before getting out of town.
Drove north of Belle Fourche, South Dakota and got on old hwy 85 to go see the Geographic Center of The United States. It was 8 miles on a dirt road out in a field.
Got back on that dirt road and went another 25 miles to a paved road.
Made it to our destination in Custer National Forest by Ludlow, South Dakota. I did some research on this place. It was going to be very hot and we wanted elevation and shade. Well, we got one out of two. Shade is good.
It hit 99°F today but humidity was around 16%.
Gayla was putting up our bug screens around the back doors and she misjudged the steps and fell backwards on the ground. She bumped her head pretty hard and so far she’s doing good.
We sat in the shade with a water spray bottle and a fan all afternoon.
I setup the HF radio station and made contacts for a Parks On The Air park US-4501 Custer Gallatin National Forest.
Had a beautiful sunset and everything eventually cooled down.
116.27 miles driven
1181.73 miles total