Woke up to some fishermen putting in some boats at the boat ramp next to us at 5:30 this morning.
Temperature was not too bad this morning either. It was about 43° outside.
Gayla made coffee and we water sun rise up.
We packed up and headed to the Cherokee National History Museum in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. We arrived slightly before they opened so we relaxed in the parking lot a few moments.
We toured the Cherokee National History Museum and the Cherokee Supreme Court Museum and the Cherokee Prison Museum. All of them were great places and the people working there were very nice and friendly.
We began to make our way back towards Missouri about 2 pm.
We stopped in Colcord, Oklahoma for a snack. Then we went up through Gentry, Arkansas and Gravette, Arkansas. Evidently turning off at the Pineville, Missouri exit.
We had stayed in this Huckleberry Ridge Conservation Area last month and liked it so we stayed here again.
I started setting up a ham radio antenna and Gayla got the stove out so I could cook and do radio at the same time since it is Winter Field Day weekend.
I cooked up some steaks and Gayla did the taters. Pretty tasty stuff.
It was getting dark out so we cleaned up the grill and moved the radio equipment inside Clifford.
I set up the station again and made contacts from coast to coast from southwest Missouri. It’s amazing what 100 watts and a wire will get you.
I called it a night just after 9pm.