The headlights on the Alfa were so filmy that I really didn’t have good night time visibility. I had never tried any of those headlight restoration products, but I thought I’d give it a shot.
I chose Meguiar’s for heavy duty jobs. Not that I’m endorsing the product, I just happened to try it and it worked pretty well. The kit has everything you need. First I had to use 1000 grit wet sandpaper to sand away the oxidation residue. Then I had to repeat using 3000 grit wet sandpaper. The third step was to apply the PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner and Polish and use the provided buffer with my drill to buff to a clean shine. The final step was to apply the UV protectant.
I used it on not only the headlights, but tail lights and the turn signal/side marker lights for good measure. I’m actually pleased with how well it looks. Now perhaps night driving will be a bit better.