I don’t know why most all RVs have such goofy graphics, but I knew shortly after we got our Alfa, that I wanted them removed.
Last September, when we were still living in our rental house in FL, I started the daunting task. I thought that I’d use a pressure washer and soon found out that I was getting nowhere fast.
For months, it has been on my mind to do it, but I was not looking forward to the time it was going to take. When we first arrived at Dakota Ridge RV Park in Golden, CO at the beginning of March, another Alfa was parked nearby, stripped of its graphics. Seeing that nice white bus got me motivated again.
One afternoon, I took Gayla’s hairdryer and started in an inconspicuous place on the passenger’s side. I was amazed at how easy some of the decals were coming off with just the use of a hairdryer and razor blade scraper. Maybe this won’t be too bad of a job after all. The blue decals were a pill, but the gold ones were coming off in large strips. FINALLY PROGRESS!!! I got started late in the day and managed to get about half of the passenger side done before dark.
The next day I was back at it. I finished the passenger’s side which turned out to be a whole lot easier than the driver’s side. The decals on the driver’s side were already cracking and pealing so I had to use a razor blade scraper to whittle them away. On the passenger’s side, I could peel off the decals in large strips, on the driver’s side just a little bit at a time would come off. Scraping those decals all day got my arms in shape.
All in all, it took a total of four hours for the passenger’s side, eight hours for the driver’s side, and only less than an hour for the back. I then used Goof Off spray to wash off all the sticky residue the decals left behind. At certain angles, you can still see the designs as ghost images, but I still think it looks better. It was a lot of hard work and I’m glad the task is done.