We are about to embark on a whole new life, RV style! Probably two years ago, Robert and I began talking about RVs. We love to travel together. Over the past several years, we’ve just hopped in the car and taken impromtu road trips. At first we were discussing how great it would be to have a Class B to use for our quick weekend trips.
So began the research. Robert spent hours on the internet looking at different models, features, pros, cons, etc. There’s only so much you can research until you have to actually go and take a look at the real live thing. We dreaded actually going to a sales lot and being hounded. We aren’t much into the sales process of any vehicle. We simply wanted to see if we were even on the right track on our research, not in the buying stage at all. We ended up at a lot and had an opportunity to view many Class B coaches before a sales associate caught up with us. It was a very good outing, as we were able to eliminate some models and develop a list of features that we wanted. In that trip, we also looked at some Class C models which broadened our perspective.
A few months passed and our discussions moved from just having a weekend travel vehicle to something that we could live in full time. My job had been changing and evolving to where I could work more from home and would need to travel a bit more. The more we talked, the more we thought it would make sense to consider a purchase of a Class A to live in full-time.
We have a house in Missouri that we converted to rental property a few years ago when we moved to Florida for my job. It never appealed to us to buy a house in Florida, instead we found a rental in the school district where we wanted my daughter to finish her final two years of high school. In June, she graduated from high school and moved back to Missouri to live with her biological father and attend college. Now Robert and I are empty-nesters, left here with our three weiner dogs, ready for our next stage in life. So many conditions seems right to take advantage of to start our RV adventure, so we took the plunge.
After a ton of online research and more than six weekends of going to RV lots, at the end of May, we found our new home…2003 Alfa SeeYa Motor Coach.