I’m sure our Florida neighbors think we are crazy, but we are preparing for winter. With weather in the mid to upper 70s during the day and upper 50s at night, why on earth think about insulating the water lines? While most RVers go to warmer climate during the winter, we are going north. We …
RV Bath
Having a white vehicle is a pain. It seems to get grimy quickly. The last time Robert gave the RV a good bath was when we were still living at our rental house. We are parked under a couple of live oak trees and those tiny leaves get everywhere. He has swept the roof several …

Indian Rocks Beach Parade
Today was Indian Rocks Beach’s Parade. We don’t even live in Indian Rocks Beach, but we participated and had a wonderful time. Our close friends Dave, Helen, and Nikki live in IRB and asked us to join them in the parade as the homeowner’s association participated with a posse of decorated bikes. We took time …
Washer Woes — Part 2
It didn’t take long for our $52 part to come. I happened to be out running errands for work when the delivery arrived. Robert was so anxious to get in installed, it was done before I came home. What a wonderful surprise, but I was hoping that he would have taken pictures of the repair …
Wiener Run
The last few days, the poor wiener dogs have been couped up. Robert and I were out for several hours both last Friday and Saturday night. Then Sunday through Tuesday, we haven’t had much of a chance to get the dogs out but just walks around the RV park. When we lived in a house, …
Washer Woes – Part 1
The other night, Robert went off to work and I planned to do some office work and hang out with the dogs. I decided to do a load of laundry while I worked. All was fine and dandy, the washer was doing it’s thing. I had set it not to dry as I was going to …
Working in the RV
I’ve been very fortunate that my job has transitioned to where I can pretty much work from anywhere. It’s a mindset that I’m still getting used to. I’m so geared to drive into an office and work the traditional daily work hours. Actually, it seems as though I’d end up putting in 50-60 hour work …
Officially Moved In
Over the weekend, we turned in our keys to our rental house and parked our Alfa SeeYa at our new home in a RV park in Largo, FL. It wasn’t a far move, but it’s now official, we are full-timers. I’m glad that we took the “training wheel” path and started living in the RV …

A lighter load…downsizing to live in our RV
After weeks of sorting, this weekend was our big sale. We feel like a big weight has been lifted. Over the past several weeks, we have been moving into our 38′ Alfa SeeYa Motor Coach and camping in the back yard. We wanted plenty of time to see what fit and what we needed to get …