Slept great last night. Gayla turned on the heater. No weird things happened so that’s good.
Gayla has a few calls today. I need to finish up some leather work.
I ended up sew the flap to the bag I’ve been working on since March. I also did up a little shot bag too.
Clifford has been smoking on start up mainly in the morning. So this afternoon I decided to check under the hood or should I say in the doghouse.
The glow plug relay has been clicking more than it should. Cycling off and on. It should only click once when the key is turned on then wait for your wait to start light to go out.
When the wait to start light goes off is when it starts clicking off and on. That’s telling me that there is a problem with the glow plugs or the glow plug harness.
I found that cylinder 3 the glow plug was not hooked up to the glow plug harness. Therefore it was not heating up that fuel in that cylinder causing unburned fuel to go through the exhaust.
To fix this issue I had to do some glow plug yoga.
I couldn’t see it but I could feel it. But I eventually got it back on the glow plug.
After that we celebrated with a butter & coffee.
Gayla did some website work and I finished up edging a strap on the pouch I finished last week.
0 miles driven today.