Beautiful night listening to the coyotes yapping.

Woke up to 46° outside. It did not feel like 46°. It felt warmer.

Gayla got a jumpstart on work today. I gathered around slowly and made my own coffee.

Walking around camp this morning I jumped up 3 mule deer. Actually they stood there long enough for me to get a picture.

My goal today was to finish the pouch I’ve been working on for a few months. Or at least get close to finishing.

Gayla had a few video calls today.

I cooked up some NY strips topped with butter for lunch.

After lunch I felt inspired to put some color on the leather pouch I’ve be working on. It still needs some more work but it is getting closer to being finished.

Gayla worked on one of her weaving projects. It’s getting closer to being done too.

We went on another walk with the dogs and watched the sun set. When we got back I checked the fluids in Clifford and Gayla seen a baby snake. I did not get to see much of it but it wasn’t very big.

0 miles driven today

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