Today was the solar eclipse day.
I wanted to do some HF radio during the eclipse just to see/hear the difference on different frequencies and how it acts. I made about 22 contacts before the eclipse on 20m band.
Gayla worked on settling in for the work week by getting a jump on her organization.
We to a little break and had a snack about noontime. I had the chairs set out and the solar panels deployed for the eclipse.
Well the eclipse came and so did the clouds. Then it rained a bit. After the eclipse was over we couldn’t even tell if it happened or not. The clouds disappeared and the sun returned. So we didn’t see anything that resembles an eclipse.
We made supper. Chorizo and leftover brisket with some bacon and a side of avocado. Then we walked the dogs down the road. Seen lots of deer tracks. Oscar started panting so I carried him a bit.
Once back at Clifford we cleaned house and we got ready for the next few days ahead. I’m turning in early and going to watch a movie called the Shooter with Mark Whalberg. We shall see if it’s any good. Also has Danny Glover in it.