We woke up early and did our routine of letting the dogs out and making coffee. Got on the road by 8:30 AM eastern time heading to Hershey, PA.
Arrived at the Hershey museum about 9:45 AM. Booked out chocolate tasting for 11:30 and bought out tickets for the museum.
Toured the museum for a while till it was time for our chocolate tasting time. We went and let the dogs out right before the chocolate tasting.
The chocolate tasting was amazing. It was different chocolates from around the world in the form of a little shot glass. Kinda like not so hot chocolate but warm chocolate.
After the chocolate tasting was over we returned to touring the rest of the museum. I will say if you are in the area you need to tour this museum. It’s well worth the visit.
After the museum experience we seen an antique/flea market. We pulled in and checked it out. It’s nice to see things that we don’t normally see back home such as a Dingle Stock. It’s an Amish tool. It was used to sharpen farmers’ tools such as their scythe or sickle blades. The point was driven into a stump or a fence post and then used to straighten out nicks and damage to the blades.
We fueled up and stopped at dollar general for some supplies and decided we wanted to eat out for the 3rd time on this trip.
Gayla found Aces BBQ about 1.75 miles away. We pulled up late in the afternoon. Ordered the brisket and fries. It was tasty. The owner was very talkative. He told us how he started out of necessity to live and make money during COVID. He started cooking in his backyard and his neighbors were buying his BBQ. One year and seven months ago he moved to a permanent location for his BBQ establishment. Found out the he is also a Harvest Host that host campers and RV’ers traveling through can stay at his BBQ place in exchange for patronizing his establishment. Not a bad deal.
We stayed there talking with Ace for about 1.5 hours. We needed to get to our campsite so we left about 5pm and headed back to Weiser State Forest. Headed up I-81 to the Tower City turn off on hwy 209. We had some looks from a nearby campsite of people who were wondering what was coming up the very very steep single track road. Steep as in 16-18% grade with potholes. We were in low gear and low range. So we were high revs but slow moving.
After arriving back to our campsite we let the dogs out and settled in for the night. Gayla did some weaving on the inkle. Then we watched some George Jones and Tammy Wynette series on the tablet.