Today was a work day. Packed with zoom calls and meetings with clients and staff.

It was also a rainy day off and on. Temperature wise was pretty nice compared to yesterday. It might have reached 65°F today, maybe.

This afternoon I called a friend back home that was wondering where we were and how come we weren’t back in Missouri yet. Had a great talk and looking forward to catching up with him at Old Mines, Missouri next month.

I cooked up some steaks for early supper. Steaks and butter is hard to beat.

I listened to some HF radio leisurely. That was relaxing after supper.

I capped off the evening by looking at the knives I brought on the trip with us. 20 knives is a good start in 30 knives. I gave them some love and packed them back away in the portmanteau.

We topped off our inside water jugs and called it a night.

Another work day in store for us tomorrow.

0 – miles driven today.

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