Had a wonderful nights sleep in George Washington National Forest just outside of Wardensville, West Virginia.

Gayla made coffee and I checked the fluids on Clifford before we headed out.

Heading west on hwy 48 westbound. We sent some really nice contour to the landscape. It was a bit foggy off and on but not too bad.

Our destination was only about an hour away so we were in no rush.

We got on hwy 32 south at the town of Davis, West Virginia. Beautiful little mountain town. Just south of town we turned off towards the Monongahela National Forest on forest road 13. We seen several campsites that looked very nice. Ended up staying at campsite #6. It has a nice open view of the sky for solar and for Starlink.

There’s a slight chill on the air that makes it just perfect here today.

Gayla worked on some work and I tried my hand at some finger weaving for a bit. I’m about to get the hang of it. Time to try a different pattern next time.

I took a break and did a POTA activation on the HF Radio.

Had a police officer stop by twice. Evidently there was a shotgun that was left at campsite #7. Officer Prickett questioned us if we’d seen anything or heard anything. Someone had seen it there leaned against a tree with no one else around and called it in to report it.

We had a relaxing afternoon and evening. Walked the dogs around sunset time and called it good.

76.45 – miles driven today

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