Gayla had a rough night with Lucy. She’s got her days and nights mixed up. Trying to get her back on track. Don’t think it’s going to happen.

We packed up camp and headed into Gettysburg, PA for some touristy stuff.

We wanted to visit the Gettysburg Museum.

After the museum we had a snack and I activated the park US-0027 on the POTA parks. I ended up with 11 contacts and one confirmed to Romania. I call that a success on 15 watts of RF power.

We made our way back to the Teaberry Dispersed Camping Area. I setup the Starlink. Walked and fed the dogs.

Gayla was wanting to warp an inkle so we did some crafty things this evening. She got both inkles warped and I did some leather work on a personal project.

28.93 – miles driven today.

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