I slept in since I was kinda under the weather. Gayla gave me whatever she had last weekend. Oh well we haven’t seen any people since Sunday afternoon and won’t be seeing anyone till Friday afternoon.

Today was another work day. I worked on client podcast editing and Gayla was on call with our staff today for a while then she had a zoom meeting around noon.

It was supposed to rain most of the day but it only sprinkled for a bit. Good thing because I was trying to squeeze out all the solar power I could because tomorrow and Friday is rain all day with some 40+ mph winds. I’m glad I’m not sleeping on the ground in this weather.

This afternoon we had walked the dogs about a mile round trip down the road across from us. Oscar got a bit winded so I carried him a bit.

I found us some movies to download for this evening to watch.

We topped off our water jugs for the inside and the dog’s water too.

Ended up walking down the road to the south about 3/4 mile to get the dog’s exercise. They are getting old. 15 years old is a lot for a dog.

I started up Clifford to top off the batteries for the evening with the dc-dc charger. That’s another game changer for us.

Gayla did some weaving on the big inkle and we’re calling it a night.

0 – miles traveled today

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