Lately, our travel has taken a different turn. Instead of RV or Jeep travel, we’ve turned to our bikes. Not motorcycles…good, old-fashioned bicycles.
Over the last several weeks, our business has us glued to our computer monitors, working on various client projects. Our little get-aways have been hopping on our bikes for short rides around the neighborhood.
We got a wild hair one weekend and decided to bike the entire Frisco Highline Trail. This 35-mile trail connects Springfield and Bolivar, Missouri.
Although we had seldom gotten on our bikes for at least 5 years, and our bodies weren’t accustomed to such physical activity, somehow we thought riding our bikes for 35 miles would be a really good idea.
Get this…in our scheme of a weekend biking activity, we also thought it was a good idea to bike back! This would be a weekend of over 70 miles of our rears in the saddle.
Could we do it? Well…in this episode, we share our little adventure.
Wanna see the video? Here’s the link.
Photo journal: