For this week’s podcast, you’ll hear a lot of background noise. When we recorded, it was windy, rainy and there was a train nearby.

We were camped in Claremore, Oklahoma’ city campground next to the Expo Center.

Not a bad campground at all for being right in the middle of town. I enjoyed a nice hot shower and then worked some before the rain came.

Then it was time…

It was Hamfest time. Robert loved it! I got coffee. Robert shopped.

We walked and walked. Then walked some more.

We ran into some people we knew and met new folks. Robert bought stuff too cumbersome to carry very long, making us go back to the Jeep numerous times.

The best part! We discovered that Domino’s Pizza delivers to the campground! Big win!!

Enjoy as you hear us banter about the day.


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