Friday, September 2 through Monday, September 5, 2022
Campsite 11-15 was spent at Fort Bridger, Wyoming! We had very little cell service. We knew that would be the case based on our experience from attending last year.
We started our day on Friday by going to Napa and picking up all the parts we ordered. Robert was concerned about the radiator as well as the oil leaks found. We ended up getting a new water pump and radiator along with the oil cooler lines. We also stocked up on everything that we thought we may need for the job. We couldn’t get working on the Suburban until after the Rendezvous. It made us feel better to have them on hand.
At the Rendezvous, Robert set up and sold some stuff. He hung out with some great friends and made a few new ones too. Looking forward to next year for the 50th!
I stayed with the dogs all weekend at the Suburban. I crochet a seat cover and a sweater for Lucy. It was hot and had very little shade. Thank goodness for the awning. As the weekend progressed, the dogs and I seemed to get a bit stir-crazy. The dogs seemed much more protective by Monday.
Everyone was breaking down camp and heading out by Monday afternoon. We were invited to eat with friends. Since the crowd was gone, we moved the Suburban closer to the Fort and the dogs did just fine with the small group we were hanging out with.