Saturday, September 10, 2022
We started out with frost on the windows of the Suburban in Ashley National Forest. Then we went into Vernal for fuel and BBQ. Last year when we were in the area, we discovered mango chili gummie bears. We had to pick up some more this year. The place with the supply is the Texaco next to the big green Dino. We walked the dogs at the Ashley Valley Community Park. Then we ate at The Sloppy Pig for some BBQ. They had a Blackberry Habanero BBQ sauce that was delicious!
We made our way back to Ashley National Forest and found a campsite that had a decent cellular signal and internet service. I did some work catching up on our blog posts while Robert swapped out the leaking oil cooler lines on the Suburban. Now we just need to replace the o-ring around the oil filter adapter. Then no more oil leaks…our fingers are crossed!
We have such good internet and cellular service that we might just stay here for a few days.
The Aspen trees are beautiful at 8,500 feet in elevation!