Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Campsite number 17 is the same as last night. We’re still near Down Mountain. A beautiful site with great internet to work from anywhere.
I set up my outdoor office for the day and tried to keep everything charged during daylight hours with optimal solar usage.
Robert tackled working on the radiator and water pump on the Suburban. The nearest parts store was 56 miles away by road in Vernal, Utah. Everything went pretty smoothly. Nothing broke or was rusted too tight.
After the radiator replacement, we cooked dinner and walked the dogs. Then we went for a test drive on a forest road loop that was about 6 miles long. There were lots of slow and 4 low on the off-road trail. Everything ran in tip-top shape. That is, what Robert repaired so far. There’s still an oil leak that he’ll need to tackle, but at the moment, he needs the right tools to take the parts off.
Tomorrow is another work day. There’s rain in the forecast. Everything should be fine in the big tent and Suburban for shelter from the elements.