Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Tuesday morning, we were planning on having breakfast in town with friends. The problem was, that the restaurant was closed on Tuesdays. Wonder if they just didn’t want to be open on that particular Tuesday when there would have been an influx of hungry people. At any rate, we said our goodbyes to our friends and then we went to do laundry and figure out where to go from there!
After the laundry was done, we went to a local print shop and UPS shipping center. We decided to ship some leather bags back to Missouri that didn’t sell at Bridger. That gave us a bit more room and less weight (19 lbs) in the Suburban.
When we were done with our errands in town, we headed for the mountains to find our next work from anywhere office for the rest of the week.
On our way to finding our new home for the week, we went and worked at a park in Mountain View, Wyoming, and had some lunch. Then we visited the “Mini Badlands” just outside of Mountain View.
Robert had heard many stories from the Comer brothers back in Missouri about the Lonetree Store in Lonetree, Wyoming so we stopped by and got a picture for them to reminisce.
Campsite number 16 ended up overlooking Flaming Gorge and Dowd Mountain just south of Manila, Utah.
We made our way to a forest road near Dowd Mountain which has excellent cellular signal and internet service. We were going to be there for a few days to get work done and caught up. We even set up the big tent !!!