Thursday, September 1, 2022
We started off in Ashley National Forest by finishing up some client calls.
We left at about 1:30 pm to go to Mountain View Post Office to mail some letters back to Missouri. Then, we went to the grocery store and picked up some food for the weekend.
We made it to Fort Bridger and checked in. We knew that we purchased a trade blanket site and a primitive site, but we were unsure if I’d be able to set up camp in the Suburban with the dogs. To our delight, as we were checking in, we were told that we also purchased a site in the tin-can teepee section.
Yay! The dogs really aren’t ready to mingle in a big crowd with other dogs. The plan is that Robert will do his thing at the show and I’ll stay all weekend at the Suburban with the dogs.
Tomorrow will be the day to get things finalized and in order and ready for public days on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.